Iza_T Bourne2

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Basic informations

First name: Sonia

I am: TS MTF before treatment

City/Town: Warszawa

Weight: 65

Height: 169

Body type: Slim

Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to transgenders

About me: Hej :) Chciałabym wreszcie poznać jakąś bratnią duszyczkę. Jeszcze nikt mnie nie widział na żywo jako kobietę. Może spotkamy się na ploteczki?

I am looking for

Other goals of acquaintance: Open relationship, parties, friendship

I am looking for: TS MTF before treatment, TS MTF on treatment, TS MTF Post-Op, TS MTF Non-Op, TV/CD MTF fetishist, TV/CD MTF - dual role, Just MTF, TG MTF, non-binary person, genderfluid person, drag queen, women

More about me

Cigarettes: Nonsmoker

Alcohol: Drink occasionally

Gambling: No

Favorite color: Red