Basic informations First name: Sabrina I am: TV/CD MTF fetishist City/Town: Warszawa Age: 26 years old Marital status: Single Weight: 65 Height: 185 Body type: Slim Hair: Short Hair color: Blond Eye color: Blue Sexual orientation: I feel attracted to women, I feel attracted to transgenders About me: Nie szukam zwyczajnych facetów, tylko kogoś do wspólnej przebieranki
I am looking for The main goal of acquaintance: Sex Other goals of acquaintance: Traveling I am looking for: do wspólnych przebieranek, spędzenia miłego czasu. I am looking for: TS MTF before treatment, TS MTF on treatment, TS MTF Post-Op, TS MTF Non-Op, TS FTM before treatment, TS FTM on treatment, TS FTM Post-Op, TS FTM Non-Op, TV/CD MTF fetishist, TV/CD MTF - dual role, Just MTF, TV/CD FTM fetishist, TV/CD FTM - dual role, Just FTM, TG MTF, TG FTM, non-binary person, genderfluid person More about me Cigarettes: Smoker Alcohol: Do not drink Gambling: No Favorite color: Black Favorite cuisine: Oriental My character: Sensitive, delicate, eloquent Clothes style: Alternative, fashionable, free, unusual, obscene, provocative, sophisticated, provocative Hobbies and interests My hobbies: Playing instruments, fashion, music, travel In my free time I focus mainly on: Uwodzenie mężczyzn Work and education Way of thinking: Universal Type of housing: I live alone Foreign languages: Angielski
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